About the work carried out by the Payariq District Department of construction and housing and communal services on the Prevention of illegal construction in the district
A total of 493 illegal buildings were identified in Payarik district in order to ensure strict adherence to urban planning and land legislation in the construction of settlements, as well as implementation of Resolution No. 467 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 5, 2017 “on additional measures to further improve land allocation procedures for entrepreneurial purposes”.
- Of this, 95 illegal buildings have been identified by the district construction and housing and communal services department.
398 illegal construction has been identified by the cadastral agency.
301 claims to the relevant judicial bodies are included in the application, when violations are considered by the Regional Commission and administrative bodies. In the Regional Commission, the number of documented facilities for the demolition and reconstruction is 103, and in addition, the number of violations that continue to be dealt with by the territorial Commission is 89.
Dear citizens, the implementation of construction work is established on the basis of the requirements established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Annexes of the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2022 “on approval of unified administrative building regulations on the construction sector”No. 200.
Otherwise ensure strict compliance of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the legislation on urban planning and land in the construction of settlements of July 5, 2017, also in order to ensure the implementation of the Decree No. 467”on additional measures to further improve the procedure for land allocation for entrepreneurial purposes", in accordance with the conclusion of the commission for the elimination of illegal construction of the district municipality in the appropriate order, the introduction of a claim to the relevant judicial bodies for violation by the district Administrative responsibility for offenses that encroach on property. P. 601. Failure to take steps to prevent arbitrary occupation of irrigated land. Chapter VIII. Administrative responsibility for violations in the field of Ecology, Environmental Protection and the use of nature. P. 68. Arbitrary deviations from land development projects, violations of the rules of public land Cadastre, and Art. 681. Failure to apply in time for state registration of the right to Real Estate. Chapter IX. Administrative responsibility for violations in industry, construction and in the field of heat and electricity use Article 99. There are javabgars on violations of urban planning legislation.
In addition, more than 40 individuals and legal entities who began construction work without fulfilling the requirements established in the Annexes of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2022 in the “approval of unified administrative building regulations on the construction sector”dated April 20, 2022 were placed in administrative responsibility under Article 99 of the code of administrative responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Today, without the complete registration of urban planning documents established in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2022 No. 200, that is, the decision of the district governor on the construction work carried out on this territory by you or by obtaining a permit from the District Department of construction and housing and, you are required to register from the conclusion of the state examination and the inspection of territorial control in the field of construction and housing and communal services.
Under the presidency of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on September 23, 2024, at a video session on the discussion of measures for the development of the construction industry and the network of building materials, a number of tasks were set for the Ministry of construction and housing and communal services.
Including: enhanced neighborhood chairpersons and community oversight of illegal construction, exclusion of a QR code passport in front of each facility under construction; if there is no QR code passport, establishment of a new procedure for construction illegal calculation is required.