s a m v i l q u r i l i sh
  • alevcoder
    Samarkand region
    Construction and housing and communal services
    the main administration of the economy
  • Working hours:
    9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. [ Weekends: Saturday, Sunday]
  • alevcoder
    Samarkand region
    Construction and housing and communal services
    the main administration of the economy
  • Working hours:
    9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. [ Weekends: Saturday, Sunday]



Kuksaroy maydoni, 1-D bino , 2-qavat, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Telefon : +998662353580
Email : samqbb73@gmail.com

Ish vaqti

Dushanba - Juma: 9.00 dan 18.00

Dam olish kunlari: Shanba va yakshanba

Murojaat yo'llash

Har bir murojaat e'tiborda